From 1 July 2024, Toop Workplace Law has merged with Justitia Lawyers & Consultants. Click here to learn more.

Our Workplace Law Services

From hiring to firing, and everything in between, we are a trusted advisor that assists employers with the full range of employment law issues, including:

  • Employment contracts
  • Engaging workers (employees/contractors/gig)
  • HR Policies
  • Fair Work Act compliance
  • Managing poor performance
  • Dealing with alleged misconduct
  • Managing medical incapacity
  • Termination of employment
  • Negotiated exits
  • Unfair dismissal
  • Adverse action
  • Discrimination; reasonable adjustments
  • Sexual harassment
  • Bullying
  • Restructures, business sale & redundancy
  • Workplace training
  • Enterprise agreement review and drafting
  • Enterprise bargaining
  • Leave entitlements/obligations
  • Workplace investigations
  • Workplace health & safety


Client reviews


  • "Jess' work is pragmatic and practical. Having worked inside organisations, she understands what you need - it's easy to understand, communicate and circulate her advice to stakeholders! I would recommend Jess for any employment issue, big or small."
  • - Senior Workplace Relations Consultant, Education sector

We are delighted to announce that effective from 1 July 2024, Toop Workplace Law has merged with Justitia Lawyers and Consultants.

The Toop Workplace Law team looks forward to continuing to support our clients' legal needs as part of Justitia and you can continue to reach us on our existing mobile telephone numbers. Our emails will be redirected.

You may also call +61 3 8621 4500 if you have any questions.