From 1 July 2024, Toop Workplace Law has merged with Justitia Lawyers & Consultants. Click here to learn more.

Wishing you a wonderful festive season

By Jess Toop in Company News Posted December 22, 2020

As 2020 draws to a close, we would like to wish our everyone in our network – clients, suppliers and colleagues in the legal profession – a Merry Christmas and all the best for the year ahead.

We also take this opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU to our clients – it has been a privilege to work with you, navigating the many employment law issues that have cropped up in the face of the pandemic – we are all hoping for a less volatile 2021!

Last but by no means least, THANK YOU to our team – Jessica PrattCourtney Ford and Paulina Kruminaite – your dedication to excellence and client service are unparalleled.

We are delighted to announce that effective from 1 July 2024, Toop Workplace Law has merged with Justitia Lawyers and Consultants.

The Toop Workplace Law team looks forward to continuing to support our clients' legal needs as part of Justitia and you can continue to reach us on our existing mobile telephone numbers. Our emails will be redirected.

You may also call +61 3 8621 4500 if you have any questions.